Sunday, November 14, 2010

LAD #13: Calhoun speech

          Calhoun's speech deals mainly with the issue of slavery. He poses a series of questions and answers that all interconnect; the issue of slavery is rooted in sectionalism, sectionalism is a result of the varying policies and sentiments of peoples in different regions, including the south, experiencing much discontent over the issue; the discontent is a result of the continuous issues over slavery, and the North, and its attempt to hamper state's rights. In addition, a large contribution to discontent in the south was the fact that the equilibrium in the distribution of power between the north and south had been destroyed and the south had been left out of contemporary actions of government. Calhoun questions whether or not the Union can be saved, stating that it would be relatively easy out of context, but complete compliance with both parties would be difficult.

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