Monday, February 28, 2011

LAD #32: Kellog-Briand Pact

          The Kellog-Biand Pact is also known as the Paris Peace Pact. A blunder in world diplomacy, the treaty was signed by a surprising 62 countries.The pact made it illegal to use war as an instrument of national policy, but it was permitted in cases of self defense. This has some obvious shortcommings. First, an aggressive country in search of land and resources could easily claim their actions as examples of self defense. Furthermore, a nation planning on goint to war obviously doesnt care whether or not it is illegal. Overall the main reason for the treaty was a US attempt to avoid entering the league of nations in a period of isolationism. The treaty, although interestingly still standing, can largely be considered a failure considering he outbreak of World War Two just years later.

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