Monday, March 14, 2011

LAD #33: FDR's Executive Order #9066

          Executive order #9066 states that the secretary of war or a military commander may set up a federal military zone where they see fit, even if it conflicts with areas designated as off-limits by the attorney general, so long as that place and its inhabitants are in sufficient need of food, transportation, shelter and other accommodations. The order essentially institutes Marshall law, placing the jurisdiction of a military commander above all other state law enforcement agencies and officials. All of the executive department is to aid in this and help to provide food, clothing, medical aid, hospitalization, use of land, shelter, and other supplies. this is not to interfere with other executive orders or agencies such as the FBI or other executive associations.

Essentially, this order was used to relocate Americans of Asian, particularly Japanese, origin into Internment camps, similar to those used by the Germans to concentrate the Jews, but obviously far less ruthless. this was also used against people of Italian and German descent.

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