Tuesday, March 22, 2011

LAD #36: Truman Doctrine

          Following World War Two, massive reconstruction efforts were made to restore European and Asian countries to normalcy. However, in these tough times, many countries turned to, or were overtaken by communist regimes that promised equality for all, but only resulted in a dictatorship. On March 12, 1947 President Truman addressed congress in search for support of funding democratic governments in Greece and Turkey. Greece's infrastructure had been badly damaged by the war, and it's democratic government faced terrorism from communist aggressors. Turkey, likewise, had its democratic government threatened, however, the US must help preserve it as it is vital to the stability of the Middle East. In the address, Truman discusses that it is the duty of the US to help fund and protect the preservation of democracy in foreign countries. This and "the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures," became the Truman Doctrine, and reflected the American policy of containment, or stopping the spread of communism, prominent in the cold war.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know who acually made this image
